Saturday, December 31, 2011

We Ski and need French vocab for it.

Where did she go?
Tomorrow you may want to find my other blog, Diving into French, with my description of language immersion experiences. I have other longer pieces at that site about my studying French and what I have learned about it.

As for today, I am preparing to go down-hill skiing somewhere else... we don't have any snow here so we are driving north tonight to find some. There is also a weather front coming in with rain, sleet and snow to accompany us on our way.

Some French vocabulary:
faire du ski =  to ski
veste de ski = ski jacket
prendre une pause dans le chalet = chalet-ing
Je pense que je me suis cassé ...  = I think I broke my...
cours de ski = ski lessons
I will need a lot more French vocabulary when we go to Quebec to ski this winter. This run is just a warm-up for the season.