Saturday, March 17, 2012

French Allure: Built into the language?

You have to use your imagination.
Compare the tone and style of these two versions  promoting the Chantelle brand, one French one English. Which version would sell you more of whatever they are selling? The French gets my vote.

"Cet article Chantelle, d'une qualité exceptionnelle, a été confectionné dans le respect de l'esprit couture parisien. Depuis 1876, Chantelle sublime la sihouette des femmes avec confort, style et allure."

"Since 1876, Chantelle has designed and manufactured High-Quality Lingerie with a French Allure. Chantelle's expertise is proven in the Longevity and Fit of its products-- a sound Investment in your personal Comfort and Style."

I do wonder if native English speakers wrote the English version, because the Capitalization of Nouns seems  more German-like. (We're really not that crazy about so many capital letters, we just like to make the rules of capitalization complicated.)  Anyway, I think the product-line cannot be questioned as to its quality in any language but this does illustrate the "allure" of French vs. English.

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